Jackie judge case questions

. this judge is killing children.
District court Aztec New Mexico
103 South Oliver Drive
Aztec, NM 87410
(505) 334-6151
Fax: (505) 334-1940

Case ID:
Jacqueline Hackett
Clifford Hackett
*Motion for stay*
Come now respondent and says:
1. This order causes the deaths of my children in Asia.
1.1Petitioner confessed to prostitution, committed marriage fraud, an aggravated felony, and her deportation is inevitable. .
1. 2 A person claims to have a recording for sale to the highest bidder of petitioner stating that she has this judge under her control through years of sexual favors.

2. Rapidly increasing numbers of reporters are contacting respondant . A typical email message is copied and pasted here.

Dear Mr Hackett,
Please answer these questions about your case.
Is the judge aware this causes the deatha of your children in Asia? YES
Regarding the recording: do you have it? NO
Have you heard it? NO
General questions:
Has the judge ordered you to pay 99 percent of your income For only 3 of your 30 children? YES
If the claims about the recording are true, could these headlines be called true:
Judge kills children. YES
Judge rules his mistress insane YES
Judge denies attorney for blind and deaf man YES
Mistress: Judge gets " sex for helping me" YES
Judge: his mistress gets 99% of blind and deaf man’s income YES
Judge: " all motions denied" for blind and deaf man YES
Judge: my mistress is " mentally incompetent" but gets custody of children YES
Is it true that petitioner was a resident Of Colorado when she filed the case in New Mexico, and you made the judge aware of this? YES
Did you make a motion for a change to the proper venue of Colorado? YES
Was it denied? YES
With your liberty at risk did you request legal counsel? YES
Was your request for legal counsel denied? YES
With her Liberty not at risk did the judge grant her legal counsel? YES
Did her attorneys withdraw when you told them she was committing fraud by using New Mexico resources but she was a resident of Colorado? YES
Is it true that the judge held Several motions from you 4 months and then denied them en masse? YES
Are you willing to grant interviews on camera? YES

Respondent Asks that knowing this order causes the deaths of my children in Asia, and in light of the increasing publicity and for the appearance of propriety, this Court reconsider the request for a change of venue to the proper venue of Colorado where all parties of the case reside. Respondent also moves for a stay of the child support order on the grounds of hardship and the fact that by Colorado law, his support obligation is $0

District court Aztec New Mexico
103 South Oliver Drive
Aztec, NM 87410
(505) 334-6151
Fax: (505) 334-1940